Our solution in the process industry

Most businesses within the process industries have a digitalization strategy, yet struggle to scale solutions that drive value. Viewport.ai recognizes that transforming people, processes, and data is fundamental to driving outcomes with advanced technologies.

Viewport.ai solutions enable our clients to adopt and experience quick time to value, regardless of digital maturity. Viewport.ai enhances safety, efficiency and cost control in an industry where downtime or delayed projects cost your business millions.

oil and gas industry icon

Oil and gas

In the world of Oil and Gas production environments, there are many long-established resources, still delivering the goods, many years after they were first commissioned. These old assets and resources require more maintenance than newly designed and built facilities. Many industries struggle with ongoing issues with older assets.

Find out How Viewport solution helps your organization to overcome these changes to increase efficiency, increase productivity, reduce risk at a lower cost.

Viewport Success story: Westlake Chemical

Westlake replaced an ageing and unsupported data solution with the Viewport solution, providing ready access to all types of critical information for everyone in the organisation.

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Viewport Success story: Tronox Pigments Australind

Tronox management set a goal to streamline and simplify access to critical asset information at the Tronox Pigments Australind site. Viewport helped them achieve it.

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Viewport Chemical industry icon


Asset management and lifecycle is a complex process in the chemical manufacturers industry worldwide. Many industries are struggling how to manage their asset information which is stored in multiple applications across the enterprise. This has resulted in rapid response times when it comes to finding, accessing and changing drawings in instances when plant modifications are urgently needed.

Find out how Viewport powerful system unlocks value across the operations and asset lifecycle in your organization and increases operational efficiency.

Viewport utilities industry icon


The energy & utility sector is going through an immense transformation driven by de-carbonization, by increasing the number of renewable energy sources, and by moving from central to a decentralized energy mode. On the upstream side of the sector-major power generation (Wind, Solar, e.g.) assets investments are made in order to meet required future capacity. On the downstream side, both DSO’s and TSO’s are investing in assets on the grid to continue securing the supply of electricity.

Viewport.ai can help utilities achieve operational efficiency, and improve process safety by providing a single view of all asset information.

Viewport Success story: Westlake Chemical

Westlake replaced an ageing and unsupported data solution with the Viewport solution, providing ready access to all types of critical information for everyone in the organisation.

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