Author: Joost Lasschuit (Managing Director at Helin Data)
If you need to solve operational problems, then you need to have relevant information and documentation at your fingertips. In these situations, a solution called Viewport can help you do your job safely and efficiently. Viewport pulls in information from your systems like SharePoint, Network shares, SAP, Maximo, and Ultimo and combines it into one single view, showing the bigger picture.
There’s no more rummaging around in archives. No more searching through folders for that file you know you had somewhere. No more frayed tempers, because there’s no time for messing around when an alert is raised and a problem needs solving now!
Unfortunately, the real-time or historical operational data you would like to be combined isn’t always readily available. Take edge data for example. If you want to include operational alerts and sensor data from the edge, OSIsoft is a great tool to collect this for you. However, wouldn’t it be great to have it combined in a single view with your technical documentation and manuals?
That’s where the Viewport solution comes in. The dedicated OSIsoft PI plugin for Viewport ensures your live data can be seen in Viewport. Combined with Helin’s edge solutions, even more operational data can be included. All the data you need to solve your operational problem is now available, in real-time, exactly when you need it most.
Having these insights makes for quicker and lower-cost solutions to problems. Engineers and mechanics have all of the data they need at their fingertips to find a solution quickly.
Including edge data also means better quality fixes, because all of the data is up to date, and it makes for easier communication because everyone is talking about the same data.
And it’s not just operational problems that get better solutions. Redesigns can also benefit resulting in higher quality and, faster results.
Imagine this: an alert is raised. Your staff can immediately see all the relevant data that is stored in manuals, schematics, maintenance history, central and edge sensor data. They quickly get to work designing a fix and, you can reassure the parties who need to know, what is happening.
If you would like to know more about how you can get a better overview of your technical documentation and operational data, save time and money and get better quality results, let’s talk.
You can also request a demo to see for yourself. Contact me directly on [email protected] or send me a message on LinkedIn.
Helin Data: bringing the edge closer
Viewport utilizes the retrieved data from OSIsoft PI by connecting and adding value to the consolidated real-time data and deploying it further. To find out more about the Connector, please visit our dedicated page. There you can also download a free one-pager with more technical information about the integration.